Forbidden medicine: when magnetism makes bones grow back.

A major discovery was made in the 1970s.

These are magnetic fields, totally imperceptible, which pass through our body and work on our tissues.

These magnetic fields are emitted by devices that modulate them and emit them in jerks – the fields are said to be pulsed.

There are many applications, but the most impressive one, which has convinced even the most sceptical, is that these fields make bones grow back!

It all began with the chance of a plane trip and the seats assigned to the passengers.

Arthur Pilla, a young American electrochemist, was attending a conference on his speciality, electroplating, the analysis of the chemical phenomena that occur when an electrode is surrounded by dendrites, twisted branch-like growths – the way a new chemical compound is deposited under the action of an electric current.

For Pilla, there is no doubt that his neighbour must be going to the same electrochemistry conference.

But not at all: the pictures show the inside of a human bone with an electrode implanted in it, and the passenger is working in the team of Andrew Basset, an orthopaedic surgeon at Columbia University, looking for a new technique to treat fractures.

This encounter will change Arthur Pilla’s life and career.

He offers his help to Basset and finds himself drawn into the adventure of bio-electromagnetism.

Together the two men were to make a decisive breakthrough.

The first researcher into the electrical properties of bone tissue and their role in regrowth and healing was Robert O. Becker.

Collagen is arranged in long fibres, rather like spaghetti, and these fibres can be oriented according to the lines of force of the electric field.

Finally, the bone reacts in a special way to light; it is weakly phosphorescent in the infrared.

All these phenomena indicate that bone reacts to electromagnetic fields.

It is therefore conceivable that, when a fracture occurs, the bone receives weak electrical currents from the surrounding nerves, which trigger its growth.

When the fracture is very open, the nerves are too far away and the current no longer passes.

But by providing the appropriate currents from external sources, would it not be possible to artificially stimulate regrowth?

Becker discussed this idea with his young colleague Andrew Basset.

Scepticism was widespread.

Becker nevertheless carried out his first tests on animals in 1966, and on humans in 1972.

His technique consisted of inserting a silver electrode into the wound, which emitted a tiny electric current.

Despite good results on patients whose last chance before amputation, the Becker method never entered medical practice.

The Andrew Basset and Arthur Pilla group took a crucial step by abandoning the implanted electrode system.

Basset and Pilla invented devices that produced the same effect at a distance, without contact, thanks to pulsed magnetic fields.

In fact, inside the tissues, it amounts to the same thing: the moving magnetic field creates an electric current, and it is this electric current that acts.

But the magnetic method has the immense advantage of being “non-invasive”, much more practical, totally painless and without any risk.

Entry into approved medicine and Bassett’s death

The method was approved by the FDA, following successful clinical studies, in 1979.

Basset and Pilla filed patents, which are said to have made them a lot of money.

Andrew Basset died in 1994.

Pilla is still alive and well and very active in research.

Pilla says: ‘We have treated patients in a very serious condition, where transplants have failed.

We had a 75% success rate.

The FDA asked us for more clinical studies, we funded them, and finally we got the green light.

Since then, we have more effective signals, and we know that it also works on soft tissue, wound and ulcer healing, and nerve regeneration.

But to get approval to apply this, we need new clinical studies, which are very expensive.

This makes progress in this area very slow.

Most orthopaedic surgeons still prefer transplants, because they are more profitable.

The boom in magnetic pulse devices

Pilla and Bassett’s discovery opened a breach in which hundreds of researchers, inventors and entrepreneurs rushed in.

Today, devices emitting pulsed magnetic fields seem destined to soon dethrone TENS and other current emitters on a vast market, for increasingly varied indications.

Source: “These waves that kill, these waves that heal” by Jean-Pierre Lentin


2 Commentaires

  • Voir la technologie des matelas Bemer utilisés par des kinésithérapeutes notamment pour les athlètes.
    Quantum touch, etc voir annuaire des thérapeutes. Comme pour le yoga addictif , éviter le Reiki , préférer le lahochi ou le samvaham)
    Nos corps sont électromagnétiques et sensibles à l’équilibre par les ondes : voir les sons de cf Royal Rife : 50 Hz cure all, Anthony Sommer 341 Hz etc , méditative mind .
    Je pense que chaque pierre a une longueur d‘onde différente ( lithotherapie, cristallotherapie) qui entre en resonnance avec les organes. ( Je ressens leurs énergies)
    Les spationautes écoutent la fréquence de la resonnance de Schumann là haut pour se rééquilibrer.
    N.Tesla à failli faire s’écrouler un immeuble avec des ondes, ce fut de début des technologies pour créer des tremblements de terre militairement. ( Turquie/Syrie) .
    Il existe des tapis anti électromagnétisme a mettre sous le matelas ( électromagnétic bed sheet) .

  • J’utilise moi meme un derivé de la machine de rife en contact, distance et scalair et c’est efficace.
    Par contre juste un point de desacord, il n y a pas de spationautes dans l’espace comme ils veulent bien le faire croire, mais ça c’est un autre sujet.

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