Alzheimer’s, what they don’t tell you: beneficial role of vitamin C and glutathione

This article demonstrates the effectiveness of vitamin C against neurodegenerative diseases. In 2002, Professor Montagnier, who will become Nobel Prize winner for Medicine, used glutathione as a treatment for a pope suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. The largest French newspaper, “Le Monde”, mentioned the event without ever mentioning the name of glutathione. This event proves that the elite knows about glutathione and that they hide it from the people. Laurent Glauzy, who translated the article below from Italian, also claims to have cured his Lyme disease with overdosed vitamin C. However, the same Laurent Glauzy affirms in his videos in French that vitamin C, glutathione and the D3K2 duo are especially effective with a healthy lifestyle, i.e. a raw and vegetarian diet. The body is a powerful energy battery created by God. But, this powerful battery cannot work if polluting foods are ingested and in high doses, such as sugar, meat, cow’s milk.

The information in this article is taken from Marcello Pamio’s book “L’epidemia silenziosa”.

Alzheimer’s article: l’epidemia silenziosa. Cosa fare per prevenire e curare la demenza? (Alzheimer: the silent epidemic. What can be done to prevent and treat dementia?) Translated from the Italian by Laurent Glauzy.

It is the most enigmatic and complex organ in the universe, and perhaps for this reason it is the only one in the human body whose functioning still escapes scientific understanding.

The numbers that describe the brain are simply astronomical: 100,000 million neurons are contained in a volume of 1,500 cubic centimeters, using up to 19,000 of the 30,000 genes that make up the human genome.

The neurons connect to each other via synapses, forming 1 billion connections for every mm3 of cerebral cortex. This does not take into account the supporting glial cells, which are ten times more numerous.

Each neuron can connect to a thousand others, interweaving networks of unimaginable complexity. If only the axons of a person’s brain neurons were aligned, they would reach a distance of 150,000 km, almost half the distance between the Earth and the Moon. Neurons communicate with each other by electrical impulses (and perhaps even by light) thanks to certain chemical substances called neurotransmitters, of which about 100 are known today, but in reality their number could be much higher.

Medical lies about brain aging

From a very young age, we have been taught that the brain is a static and immutable organ. We are born with a fixed number of cells (neurons, etc.) and over the years, they constantly and inexorably lose it. This process is called aging. Fortunately, this nihilistic view of man is about to be superseded by the increasingly striking results of neuroscience, which show how the brain does not remain unchanging, but on the contrary, during its life, it continues to transform. This property is called “neuroplasticity” and affects all levels of the organ, from synapses to nerve extensions to functional regions.

The findings of Dr. Maura Boldrini, an Italian researcher who works in the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University, are interesting. According to her research, the brain continues to regenerate even in old age, thanks to reserves of “immature neurons” ready to spring into action even at age 79. In practice, at every moment of life, there would be neurons ready to act and this would happen especially in the hippocampus, a brain area that manages and regulates memory and that is the most damaged (by coincidence) of Alzheimer’s. So we have seen that each nerve cell is connected through synapses with many others, forming a communication network so complex that in comparison, that of the Internet is a trivial square notepad.Each group of cells performs a specific job, some are involved in thinking, learning and memorizing, while others help to see, hear, feel, etc.

To carry out this immense work, the brain cells must receive enormous amounts of food and oxygen to generate and produce energy, establish connections and above all get rid of toxic waste, which is crucial for the well-being and protection of the organ. Just like in a real factory, blockages and breakdowns in a single system cause problems even in remote areas. With the spread of damage, not only do cells lose the ability to do their specific job, but they can go to death, causing irreversible changes and damage to the brain, unfortunately visible in neurodegenerative diseases. Medicine discovers the presence of amyloid plaques and strange tangles formed by certain proteins in the brain. Then comes the harmful diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Thus, this splendid and masterful “machine” can suffer an organic and functional decline. Not everyone knows it, but we are talking about the most common pathology in the world from a certain age: in fact, there are about 47 million Alzheimer’s patients in the world and this number is destined, according to the current trend, to double every 20 years. In Italy, dementia affects more than 1,200,000 people, which becomes an impressive figure if we take into account that the average household is composed of at least three people and when Alzheimer’s disease enters the home, it disrupts and ruins the life of everyone, not only the miserable ones whose consciousness will be slowly erased and carried away!

What the Research Says Numerous studies and official research published on PubMed (the world’s largest biomedical database reveal some extremely interesting things…In addition to the amyloid plaques mentioned above, people with Alzheimer’s also have toxic metals (lead, mercury, aluminum) and various pathogens (Herpes Simplex virus, Cytomegalovirus, fungi such as Candida Glabratus and Candida Albicans, oral bacteria such as P. Gingivalis Treponema, Porphyromonas gingivalis, but also Helicobacter pylori, Burkholderia, Borrelia, Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Pseudomonas, Firmicutes, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, etc.) What are bacteria, fungi and metals doing inside the brain? But more importantly, the crucial question is how did they get in there? Overcoming the blood-brain membrane which represents a selective barrier! The answer probably lies in our second brain, the intestine, which already says it all in the name (in-testino> in-testa: in the head…).if in fact the intestinal mucosa loses its central permeability, all the contents of the intestines: incomplete fragments of proteins (e.g. casein and gluten), metabolic acids, bacteria, fungi, parasites, metals, and various toxins, could end up in the bloodstream, for example, and then be transported throughout the entire body, including the brain.

Intestinal permeability

The intestinal mucosa is a barrier – more or less similar to the blood-brain barrier – that is selectively permeable and allows only what the body needs to pass through, blocking everything else. This function is determined by the so-called “tight seals” that help to maintain an adequate and correct closure. In recent years, however, we have witnessed the loss of integrity of this mucosa, it is no coincidence that diagnoses of “leaky gut” are increasing. This point is crucial because the scientific evidence still speaks clearly: the alteration of intestinal permeability is at the basis of the etiogenesis of important diseases of the gastrointestinal system (celiac disease but not only), autoimmune, inflammatory and degenerative, including Alzheimer’s disease. Even a child can understand the discourse: if the mucous membrane allows what is present in the intestine to “filter” or “drip” through the joints directly into the bloodstream, on the one hand the immune system will have to intervene constantly and strongly, and on the other hand the conditions and the terrain conducive to the increase of inflammations in the whole body, also in the brain, will be created. The constant hyperactivation of the immune system feeds the chronic local inflammation that caused the permeability, creating a very dangerous vicious circle. The causes of damage to the intestinal joints are different: intestinal dysbiosis, chemical additives, junk food rich in pesticides, drugs and vaccines, chemo / radiation therapy, parasitosis and systemic candidiasis, alcohol, stress, inflammation and constant infections.

Certain metabolic acids from digestion can also induce serious problems, such as propionic acid, a short-chain fat produced by bacteria, capable of inducing neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and even glutathione depletion. This acid is produced by the fermentation of polysaccharides, oligosaccharides and long-chain fatty acids by colonic bacteria. Undigested carbohydrates, fibers and starch are the main source. Propionic acid reduces glutathione levels in the brain, making the organ much more sensitive to chemical stress from various pollutants, and also lowers blood levels of essential fatty acids of the Omega-3 series. Inflammation of the intestinal mucosa is a priority, so it is necessary to completely eliminate refined sugars and grains (especially those containing gluten) and all other substances that cause irritation (alcohol, coffee, etc.). Fortunately, in nature there is no lack of extraordinary foods that help restore intestinal function: in addition to the many spices and medicines, there are fermented and lacto-fermented vegetables (sauerkraut, pickles, etc.), fermented rice or soybeans and Kuzu root (exceptional flaming). Among the supplements, we mention glutamine (improves the functionality of the intestinal and immune barrier), vitamin C (central for the collage) and Serplus based on lacto-albumin. Finally, probiotics (lactobacilli, bifidae, etc.) make an important contribution. If what has been said is true, the main way in Alzheimer’s disease is to restore the proper functioning of the intestinal mucosa. But this is not enough, because even if we can explain how the toxins end up in the intestines of the blood, we must understand how they then manage to cross the other impenetrable barrier, the one that protects the brain!

In this case, unfortunately, electromagnetic pollution interferes strongly. In spite of the very hard skull, electromagnetic waves (cell phones, wifi, radio waves, etc.) penetrate without any problem and physically alter the blood-brain barrier. This alteration leads to the formation of real “holes”, through which toxins can penetrate …

2 Commentaires

  • Le Bore aussi est efficace il me semble .
    et la nicotine selon un Dr Américain . cf beforeitsnews.
    J ‚ai lu qu un peu de café donné aussi du Peps aux neurones.
    La detox des métaux lourds qui passe la barrière hematoencephalique ( via la lymphe ?) …un jeûne serait idéal au moins intermittent. ( soin LnLawakening light Language Heavy Metal , clearing cells, …) notamment contre la porosité de l’intestin source d‘intoxication et inflammation , acidité du corps avec le système immunitaire hyper sollicité.
    Notre alimentation sucrée, au gluten, au lait toxique pour nous ( qui nécessite notre calcium pour être digéré , ce qui n’améliore pas l ostheoporose).
    Ce n’est pas un hasard si on nous pousse à la malbouffe et au stress.
    C‘est ce que j‘ai compris.

  • J‘oubliais , le vermifuge 2 fois par an est très très important. Certains pensent que leurs déjections sont la source de cancers.
    La machine Zapper de R .Rife remplace le vermifuge .

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